In India alone, over 35 million children between the ages of 6-14 don’t attend school.


Education is an extremely pressing issue in many parts of Asia due to the lack of resources. Less than .9% of Chinese people can speak English and many haven't even held a book in their lives. The shortage of materials results in not only illiteracy amongst adults but most importantly, children; the future generations of Asia.

What is wrong with the education system? There are many flaws that have made it as weak as it is today. For instance, students lack interest in gaining new knowledge. Furthermore, teachers are hesitant to change their outdated teaching styles that aren't beneficial to students. Schools also struggles to obtain the resources necessary to provide a strong literate population.

Our solution is a website that schools can utilize and connect with when they are in need of reading materials. We are recruiting volunteers to collect the academic resources necessary. A goal of ours is to build a program where schools can “adopt a city”. U.S. schools will collect books for the cities in Asia that they are partnering with.